Sunday, February 11, 2007

Small touch, Seal of Vengeance

Another small touch I noticed is that the Captain at Allerian Stronghold will refer to you using your PvP title. It's a neat touch, bringing the PvP game into the PvE game a little bit. It's sort of like the NPCs recognize your title, and that is a bit amusing. In some ways it makes PvP a bit more "real", part of the main game, rather than just a sub-game within the game.

I also hit 64 today. I was feeling unhappy with my spec (mostly because Vindication is completely useless--elite world quest mobs are now immune to it as well), so I respecced to Retribution. I also picked up Seal of Vengeance as well. When I got back to questing, I realized that SoV was amazingly suited to my previous 1H/Shield build, as it does not depend on weapon damage at all. So I went back to Stormwind, and respecced again, this time to 10/45/0.

It's a pretty nice build so far. JotC -> SoV -> Holy Shield -> JoV when fully stacked (usually around 10-12 seconds) -> Holy Shield and/or SoR if the mob is still alive.

I quite like SoV at the moment. Apparently it doesn't scale as well as Seal of Righteousness, but for the moment it does the job quite well.


  1. My understanding is that while SoV may not scale as well as SoR, JoV (on a full stack) is much better then JoR. The post I read mentioned that you could start with JotC (duh), then SoV till a full stack, JoV (which doesn't eat the stack), then SoR until JoR as soon as possible. If you immediately go back to SoV you have about 4 seconds to proc it to maintain the stack (each proc refreshes the duration of the stack), so you can maintain the stack while alternating SoR and SoV which should maintain a higher amount of damage (and threat) than by using SoR or SoV exclusively. I think that the higher amount of damage remains regardless of the amount +damage gear you have on. So SoV+SoR > SoR > SoV

  2. I like the sequence that s4dfish describes. Nice boost to damage. My only concern for tanking is that SoV probably doesn't build up threat as fast as SoR with a fast 1h.

  3. May not be as fast at grabbing aggro as SoR, but over time will generate a lot more aggro. Plus it's a viewable debuff, so Paladins can now say "what for two applications before starting DPS", much as was we can wait for two sunders with warriors.
