Monday, January 08, 2018

Fishing Legendary!

I got the Fishing Legendary Artifact Weapon, the Underlight Angler, today!

Coriel with the Underlight Angler at the Fountain in Dalaran
It wasn't that hard to get. I got 20 Arcane Lures from Conjuror Margoss (in the pool near Dalaran) and then went from zone to zone, fishing in the pools until I got all the rare fish. It didn't really take that long.

After that you fish up a Pearl from a pool, and then eventually get a quick scenario from Nat Pagle. Kill some murlocs, fish in some pools, kill a giant murloc, and then the skeleton gets fashioned into a fishing pole. Now that I think about it, it's kind of creepy.

I also found a useful macro for fishing:
/cast [nomod] Fishing
/equip [noequipped:Fishing Poles, mod] Underlight Angler;[spec:1, mod] The Silver Hand;[spec:2, mod] Truthguard;[spec:3, mod] Ashbringer;
Normally, it acts as the fishing cast. But if you hold down a modifier button like Shift or Alt, it switches weapons between your fishing pole and the correct weapon for your specialization (substitute different weapons for different classes, the spec order is as listed in the specialization window).

I have to say that this took a lot less time than I was expecting. Perhaps there's a lesson there.

Edit: Just realized I made a mistake. It's not a Legendary, it's an Artifact Weapon with a talent tree. You have to fish up rare fish to get Artifact Power.


  1. Congrats! Also, that is a nice macro and just my size... which is to say Paladin size.

    1. Thanks! Glad you found the macro useful. It's especially nice because a lot of fishing events in Legion feature some fishing interspersed with summoning a boss to get a buff for the next round of fishing.

  2. I think the lesson is that legendaries aren't anymore.

    1. Heh, I made mistake. It's not a Legendary, it's an Artifact Weapon with an AP tree. So it is supposed to be reasonably easy to get, and the grind is to get enough AP to fill out the tree.

  3. That's.... quite a fishing rod, there.

    1. It's rather nice that Blizzard put so much work into Fishing this expansion. Going full Artifact Weapon was a great call.

    2. I seem to recall at a Blizzcon panel it started as a joke and snowballed.
