Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Classic Name Reservation

My guild has decided to go Horde for Classic. We are making characters on Atiesh, one of the North American PST PvE servers. I think most people in the guild will be treating their Classic characters like an alt on retail

I jumped on and reserved three names on Atiesh. I'm not sure if they really fit Horde characters, though.

Going Horde immediately solved the dilemma of playing a paladin or not. It's simply not an option for Horde. Now, however, I have no idea what I want to play. I'm thinking about an Undead Priest, an Orc Warrior, a Tauren Druid, or maybe an Undead Mage. Or maybe a Rogue of some sort.

I am ruling out Hunters, Warlocks, or Shaman. I'm leaning against dealing with ammo, soul shards, and pets. And Shaman, seems to much like the same problems as Paladins. Though now that I am writing things down, maybe it would be nice to play one of these classes.

Heh, in some ways it would have been easier if we had gone Alliance. I probably would have just ended up with my default of Human Paladin.


  1. I am generally curious if the class thoughts align with the fact that they are single spec. Leveling a priest was a darn nightmare in vanilla, since the DPS spec was atrocious. I know some bits were "balanced" by 1.12 but it really wasn't until mid-BC that multi-spec was actually viable. Hybrid tax and all.

    1. Yeah, I'm not going to tilt at windmills in Classic. For group play I'm just assuming that Warriors will tank, Priests/Druids/Paladins/Shaman will heal, and everyone else will do damage.

      But I haven't decided what role I want to main either, which doesn't help.

  2. My characters will absolutely be alts to the other characters I have floating around. It's such a different rule set, though. I'm certain I'll do what I always do, create a character of each class and see how they play. I don't plan to play the "required to win" classes if they aren't something I'd normally choose. Characters like that never get any play time. Best of luck!

    1. Heh, I did create a bunch of different classes during Beta. It didn't really help me make a decision.

  3. Most people I know that are going to play classic aren't interested in retail at all (me included). All I'm doing in retail is pet battle - I can't be bothered to try to figure out other things to do in retail. I never picked up BfA and I've been unsubbed for a while, only resubbed early to reserve names and have a quick poke around on the latest stress test.

  4. I am in the EXACT same position as you. If we choose Alliance, I would go paladin without question. But since my guild decided on horde, I'm still trying to decide (I even am leaning toward warrior or druid).
