Friday, October 12, 2007

Hit Caps Post Updated

I've updated my Hit Caps for Bosses post to reflect the Expertise changes in 2.3. Take a look and tell me if you see anything that should be changed.

Also, if anyone can point me to the definitive Dodge cap number, that would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Nice work, although it may be better to make a note there and make a new post: most of the comments will be unrelated to the latest version! :)

  2. I thought about that. But that page gets a lot of direct links.

    I figured that it would be better to just give the correct info on the directly linked page, rather than redirecting people to a new page.

    I could just delete all the comments, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

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  5. Sorry for the repeated posts, I keep accidentally posting the wrong link.

    The EJ topic for WepEx says that the dodge rate for bosses is 5.6% (nothing on parry though). It also scales for tanks incredibly well, especially once you can push parrys off the table and reduce the damage you take.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @dazanna: if you want to post a link like this, it's very easy.

    Use <a href="insert_link_here">Insert Link Name Here</a>

    (Hope I got the quoted chars right or this will be a mess!)

  8. Apparently I did get them righ! :) Yay for HTML docs! :)

  9. Yeah, I know the html, but for some reason it was messing up the link and not closing the < a > tab. /shrug
