Tuesday, July 22, 2008

WotLK Beta - Judgements

WotLK is revamping the Seal and Judgement system. Here's an overview of Judgements.

There are three Judgement spells: Judgement of Light, Judgement of Wisdom and Judgment of Justice.

Casting a Judgement
- costs 5% of base mana (your mana without any gear)
- does not invoke a Global Cooldown
- requires an active Seal
- does not consume the active Seal!

Casting a Judgement has 2 effects:

1. Puts a debuff on the target. The exact debuff depends on which Judgement you cast. Casting Judgement of Light puts the Light debuff, JoW puts the Wisdom debuff, and JoJ puts the Justice debuff. Judgements last for 20s, but can be refreshed with your melee hits, or any Paladin's Crusader Strike.

2. Unleashes the active Seal for some Holy damage. The amount of damage depends on the active Seal. All Seals, including Seal of Light/Wisdom/Justice, do damage when unleashed. This effect does double damage on a critical strike for all active Seals. This effect does not consume the active Seal!

The Judgement of Justice debuff prevents NPCs from fleeing and prevents the target from increasing her speed beyond 100%.

The Judgement of Light and Wisdom debuffs have a chance to return health and mana, respectively, when an attacker strikes the target. The amount of health or mana returned depends on the paladin's Attack Power and Spell Power.

JoL: Health gained per proc = 18% * AP + 18% * SP

JoW: Mana gained per proc = 9% * AP + 9% * SP

In a group, the amount of health or mana gained depends on the stats of the Paladin who cast the Judgement.

Still to be determined:
- How refreshing debuffs with Crusader Strike interacts with health/mana values from JoL/JoW
- How changing stats in the middle of a fight (from temporary buffs or debuffs) affects JoL/JoW


  1. Wow, this is turning out to be very interesting. I'm eagerly awaiting further comments!

  2. Good first hand info confirmed.

    How long does the active Seal last though. Is it still 30 secs?

    I did read that SoB was the only one that did not Scale like the other seals and Judgements can you confirm that too.

  3. Seals are still 30s. Judgements are still 20s, but can be refreshed with your melee hits, or any Paladin's Crusader Strike.

  4. So Light and Wisdom are no longer a chance, but on every attack? That's really pretty nice.

    The new Judging setup is sounding better and better all the time.

  5. The math indicates that it's still proc effect, but it looks like JoL and JoW are going to scale, which is freaking great. It's nice to see Blizzard has redone paladin mechanics to bring Judgments back into fights. It's nice to know at least 1 of the major changes I was hoping for is actually coming true.

  6. Do you mind testing if JoW/JoL are still 50% proc rates?

  7. RJ, sorry, it's still a chance to proc like in TBC. I've edited the post to make that clear.

  8. Oh, oh well. It's still a great improvement regardless.

  9. Other blogs say that casting a judgement DOES invoke a GCD. But if you checked directly in BETA, i think they are wrong.

    GJ :)

  10. So I am Retribution and have "Heart of the Crusader" but so does the Sheathadin healing in my party...

    Does HoC from my JoW and his JoL stack to 6% chance to crit? They aren't the same judgement so they won't overwrite each other like the current JoCrusader

  11. Grats on your beta key -- looking forward to hearing more!

    I just want to be clear on how this works. As I read it, the new system will work like this: When you have an active seal, there's is no longer a generic 'Judgement' spell. Instead, if you have Seal of Righteousness, you will be judging either Light, Wisdom or Justice. This will put the appropriate debuff on the target AND will Judge Righteousness to boot -- it that correct?

  12. I just want to be clear on how this works. As I read it, the new system will work like this: When you have an active seal, there's is no longer a generic 'Judgement' spell. Instead, if you have Seal of Righteousness, you will be judging either Light, Wisdom or Justice. This will put the appropriate debuff on the target AND will Judge Righteousness to boot -- it that correct?

    Correct. Simple way to remember: "Debuff comes from the Judgement, Damage comes from the Seal".

    Does HoC from my JoW and his JoL stack to 6% chance to crit?

    I haven't done any testing on this, but I really doubt it would.

  13. but can be refreshed with your melee hits.

    Is that *only* your melee hits? If memory serves, current judgements are refreshed from any group member's melee hit.

  14. Morane, currently in TBC, only your melee hits will refresh your own Judgments. Other people's hits will not refresh them.

    The only exception is another paladin's Crusader Strike.

    So Judgements can be refreshed by your melee hits, or another paladin's Crusader Strike.

  15. Hmmm. At wotlk wikidot it says that the justice debuff will have get you a chance to stun the target for 2 seconds every single hit. I mean isn't this perfect ? I hope paladin's non interrupt days are over

  16. The Paladin spell called Judgement (used to Judge Seals) has been removed from the game. It has been replaced by 3 separate Judgement spells :
    3.Judgement of Justice: (Available at level 28) Gives each melee attack a chance to stun for 2 sec.

  17. And yet another commend i wanted to add and i forgot: At wotlk.wowhead.com it says that every single seal will cost 14% of your base mana pool and it's duration is increased to 2minutes. I mean holy has some really great new stuff, but if you ask me some1 seing your seal will make him automatically purge,steal,dispell it and your only protection is stoicism (absolutely worth going 8 points for this talent). Retribution on the other hand gives you absolute immunity to your seals, but that doesn't mean you don't have to raise 8 points in prot to protect your hand and blessing spells

  18. There is a talent in the holy tree that protects your seals from being dispelled by 30%. There is also a talent in ret tree for 100% protection from that. If going shock you can get the get a mix of both depending on your mix of talents at 70 or 80.

  19. I just noticed while raiding that it was possible for mobs to have multiple Judgement of Light debuffs at he same time. How does the healing work in this case? Does a player hitting the mob have a chance to get healing from all of the JoL debuffs or just from one?

  20. I think that's a bug. Though I am not sure. For most of Beta, you were only able to put one JoL on the mob.
