Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Old Republic Beta Test

I got into the latest weekend Star Wars beta test.

I want to discuss and dissect this game so badly! There are so many interesting design points. This NDA is killing me!

Hopefully this won't get me into trouble, but here is my initial reaction to the game, in its beta state:

The Old Republic is a Bioware game. It has all the strengths of Bioware games, and all the weaknesses.


  1. Maybe you should write a bunch of posts now, while the points are fresh on your mind, then wait to publish/review them til you're legally allowed to. Just would suck to forget/be bored of all the ideas you got right now, by the time you can write about them.

  2. I second Xaxziminrax II. It would also be interesting for you to be able to add comments about what, if anything, changes.

    I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

    Sadly, I'm in Asia, the NDA will be lifted long before I even get a chance to look (barring some funky proxy work).

  3. I agree with the above, writing up your thoughts now would be good. You could even post them to the beta tester forums now (where I could read them ;) and repost them on your blog later.

  4. "I want to discuss and dissect this game so badly! There are so many interesting design points. This NDA is killing me!"

    Ditto Rohan

  5. Man, just think if they'd have had a chance to do an MMO based on Forgotten Realms....

  6. How about also writing about what you liked and disliked from previous BioWare games?

    Not just as a legitimate way to discuss some things without violating the NDA. But also most of the sites assume you have played several BiioWare games. I have hundreds of days played in WoW but have never played a BioWare game. So "Companion loyalty like in ..." means nothing to me.

    Any insights as the the design philosophy (other than just saying story) would be much appreciated.

  7. I was in the beta, too, so if you want to discuss it with me, I think you're allowed. I, like you, have a lot I want to say about it but am worried the longer I wait the less I'll remember. I think I'll take the advice of some of your commentators and write some things up now. You know how to find me if you want.

  8. Let's set up a cypher for future releases this way the man won't know what you're saying.

    I agree with Hagu: How about also writing about what you liked and disliked from previous BioWare games?
