Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ad Infinitum Recruiting

I don't often do this, but summer is here, and my guild could use a few good recruits. I'll put up the blurb:

<Ad Infinitum> was formed three years ago on the premise that raiding smart could be just as effective as raiding a six day a week schedule.

We see end game content and do hard modes while maintaining a schedule that allows time to do other things. We manage this by coming to raids prepared and ready to accomplish our goals. Fundamentally, we believe the most efficient use of our precious time is to prepare for content through discussion and theorycrafting before we even enter a raid zone.

When: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday (as needed); Invites 6:45pm PST, First Pull 7pm PST.
Where: US-Lethon[PvP] Server
Who: People who are Achievement Driven and Progression Oriented

Things to consider:
- Gear: Be prepared for T8 Achievements and Hard Modes
- Know your role: Our standard is set high. Raiding is not a tourist attraction. Raid members not only understand but can explain all details of an encounter. Trials are called upon in raid to explain boss mechanics so be ready for pop quizzes.
- Attention to Detail: We raid for 4 hours a night. Be as mentally fresh, focused and excited at the end as when we started.
- Connection/Hardware: Is your connection reliable? Do you get more than 15 FPS? Do microwave ovens disconnect you from the interwebs?
- Attitude: Raiding is a team sport with egos checked at the door. We have honest, direct, and productive conversations about raid performance.


Druid (Balance) - medium
Druid (Restoration) - high
Hunter (Survival) - high
Priest (Holy) - high
Shaman (Elemental) - medium
Shaman (Enhancement) - medium
Shaman (Restoration) - medium
Warrior (Arms) - medium
Rogue - medium
Deathknight - medium

Tanks: Trixie
Healers: Aibe
Caster DPS: Bannination
Physical DPS: Rukei

God Luck, We hope to see you there
~ The Officers

We're a pretty decent guild. You're expected to know how to play, know your basic theorycraft, gem/gear properly, etc. We're not a Top 100 guild or anything, but the people in the guild do care and try hard. We do try to stick pretty close to the 3 nights per week + 4 hours per night. We're generally good about starting on time and finishing on time. We don't like unnecessary AFKs, but we have a break in the middle. Raiders are expected to use a Flask and stat Food at all times, even on farm bosses.

Lethon is a PvP server, but it's a fairly quiet one. It used to be low-pop, but was a Recommended server for a while, so it is now medium to high-pop. The Auction House is pretty wacky, but you can find most things you need. It's Pacific Standard Time, and the majority of the guild plays on Pacific time.

Loot system is DKP with English Bid. That's like a standard Auction with multiple rounds of bidding. There are three pools of DKP: Normal, Tier Set, and Vanity. Main-spec before Off-spec, Pawn (our Raider rank) before Members/Trials.

A final note: we aren't joking about "Trials are called upon in raid to explain boss mechanics so be ready for pop quizzes." Before a boss, especially one we haven't done before, the raid leader will sometimes call on someone to explain the fight. That person is expected to give an overview of the fight, the main boss abilities, and the general strategy. So you should have either read up on it earlier, or have enough wit to pull up a browser window with WoWWiki. You don't have to get it perfect, but you shouldn't go in blind.

If this sounds like a guild you'd be interested in, you can apply at the link above. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments, email me, or roll a character on Lethon and bug an officer.


  1. Hey, I've been reading the blog for months and I just figured out you play on Lethon too. I'm horde though. I'll be nice if I spot you in WG.

  2. Sounds like exactly the kind of guild I would enjoy. Grats to you, I hope you have a great time and get good recruits.

    So I guess you finally gave up on Skylawl?

  3. Yeah, pretty much. I really liked Skywall, but very few guilds ran 3 nights a week. 4-5 nights is much more common.

  4. So... no Paladin openings...

  5. Well, we're always on the lookout for good people regardless of class. However, we've been paladin-heavy for a bit. At one point in Naxx we were taking 5 paladin healers. It's gotten better since then, thankfully.

    If it sounds like a good guild that matches your interests, I urge you to apply anyways. The leadership will be pretty straight with you about the chances of getting into raids.

  6. More mage love please. You only have 7 mages at 80. lol.

    If I had my shaman geared, I might think about actually transfering.

    But holy crap! How did you do the web guy do the armory linking thing? That's hawt!!!

  7. hi

    Is anyone aware of a guild matching a similar description as this on an EU server?


  8. I love your application. Can I copy most of it?

  9. Do microwave ovens disconnect you from the interwebs - sorry lol... has that actually happened :P

    Good luck!
    your in a different time zone :(

  10. Before a boss, especially one we haven't done before, the raid leader will sometimes call on someone to explain the fight. That person is expected to give an overview of the fight, the main boss abilities, and the general strategy. So you should have either read up on it earlier, or have enough wit to pull up a browser window with WoWWiki


    play the game. don't just follow the strategy guide.

  11. Ixobelle, it's a deliberate trade-off. We raid for a smaller number of days than most guilds. We choose to research ahead of time to maximize our in-game time.
